Thursday, 31 March 2016

Notice re Certificate III Accounts Administration

Certificate III Accounts Administration – Daytime students


Students should now have completed


FNSACC301  Process financial transactions and extract interim reports (completed with Zyta Maslic)

FNSACC302  Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers (completed with Zyta Maslic)


All remaining units for the Certificate III Accounts Administration will be delivered flexibly under the guidance of Wailit Toma on Mondays 11am – 1pm (until 22/5/2016) in the individual learning centre in the Blacktown College Library.


BSBWHS201        Contribute to health and safety of self and others

BSBITU306          Design and produce business documents

BSBITU304          Produce spreadsheets

BSBFIA302           Process payroll

FNSACM302       Prepare, match and process receipts      (assessment evidence has been gathered in assessments completed with Zyta Maslic)

FNSACM303       Process payment documentation             (assessment evidence has been gathered in assessments completed with Zyta Maslic)

FNSINC301          Work effectively in the financial services industry  

BSBWRT301        Write simple documents 

FNSACC303         Perform financial calculations




Certificate III Accounts Administration –Evening students


Students are completing


FNSACC301  Process financial transactions and extract interim reports (with Sue Fisher)

FNSACC302  Administer subsidiary accounts and ledgers (with Sue Fisher)


All remaining units for the Certificate III Accounts Administration will be delivered flexibly under the guidance of Teresa Rubbo  on Wednesdays 6.30pm – 9pm (until 15/6/2016) in  B2.08.


BSBWHS201        Contribute to health and safety of self and others

BSBITU306          Design and produce business documents

BSBITU304          Produce spreadsheets

BSBFIA302           Process payroll

FNSACM302       Prepare, match and process receipts (assessment evidence has been gathered in assessments completed with Sue fisher)

FNSACM303       Process payment documentation (assessment evidence has been gathered in assessments completed with Sue Fisher)

FNSINC301          Work effectively in the financial services industry  

BSBWRT301        Write simple documents 

FNSACC303         Perform financial calculations




For clarification of these details please email your teacher or  Head Teacher









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