Wednesday, 1 June 2016

RE: Online units completion date - message from Teresa Rubbo


To all students completing the following units with Teresa Rubbo


BSBITU306 Design and produce business documents

BSBITU402 Develop and use complex spread sheets

FNSACC503 Operational budgets

BSBWHS201  Contribute to health and safety of self and others

BSBITU304 Produce Spread sheets

BSBITU306 Design and Produce business documents

FNSACC303 Perform financial calculations

FNSINC301 Work effectively in financial services industries

FNSACC402 Prepare operational budgets



All online work to be submitted please by 5 pm Monday 6 June 2016 for marking.


If you have any questions please contact Teresa.


Teresa Rubbo
Part Time Teacher, Accounting & Finance





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